Sioux the Moo: Judge [withdoll juwel ]
Sioux the Moo: Judge playing air guitar [ withdoll juwel ]
Sioux the Moo: Judge by day [ withdoll juwel ]
Sioux the Moo: Judge's face [ withdoll juwel ]
Sioux the Moo: Glowing Judge [ withdoll juwel ]
Sioux the Moo: "you up there!... eugh, he can't hear me"
Sioux the Moo: "...I have an idea..."
Sioux the Moo: "power up engines..."
Sioux the Moo: "and off I go..."
Sioux the Moo: Judge: "What the?!". Juno: *crash* "eek, I'm a long way up!..."
Sioux the Moo: "oh, it's not so bad up here... but I'm getting down..."
Sioux the Moo: " I said put me down... over there!"
Sioux the Moo: box and bits
Sioux the Moo: Judge's clone?