David Lipsy: 1001PS Crested Caracara - Palmer Lake - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1002PS Least Bittern - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1003PS Least Bittern - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1004PS Least Bittern - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1005PS Least Bittern - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1006PS Green Heron - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1007PS Brown-headed Cowbird - Palmer Lake - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1008PS Juenile Little Blue - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1009PS Pied-billed Grebe - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1010PS Limpkin on the railing - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1011PS Green Heron on the railing - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1012PS Wood Stork - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1013PS Wood Stork - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1014PS Green Heron - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1015PS Green Heron - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1016PS Boat-tailed Grackle - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1017PS Boat-tailed Grackle - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1018PS Horned Grebe - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1019PS Comon Gallinule and a Limpkin - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1020PS Limpkin - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1021PS Pied-billed Grebe - Celery Fields - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1022PS Eurasian Collared-Dove - Palmer Lake - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1023PS Eurasian Collared-Dove - Palmer Lake - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19
David Lipsy: 1024PS Eurasian Collared-Dove - Palmer Lake - Sarasota, FL, USA 02-26-19