David Lipsy: 1001PS The Famous Seabrook Glaucous Gull - Co-op Parking Lot Bath House - Seabrook, NH, USA 01-02-19
David Lipsy: 1002PS The Famous Seabrook Glaucous Gull - Co-op Parking Lot Bath House - Seabrook, NH, USA 01-02-19
David Lipsy: 1003PS The Famous Seabrook Glaucous Gull - Co-op Parking Lot Bath House - Seabrook, NH, USA 01-02-19
David Lipsy: 1003PSalt The Famous Seabrook Glaucous Gull - Co-op Parking Lot Bath House - Seabrook, NH, USA 01-02-19
David Lipsy: 1005PS Buffelheads - In Rye Harbor - Rye, NH, USA 01-02-19