David Lipsy: 1052aPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052bPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052cPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052dPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052ePS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052fPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052gPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052hPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052iPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052jPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052kPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052lPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052mPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052nPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052oPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052pPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16
David Lipsy: 1052qPS A Male Osprey takes off with it's catch - Oyster River - Warren, ME 05-26-16