David Lipsy: Black Guillemots
David Lipsy: Black Guillemot
David Lipsy: Summer Tananger Flying
David Lipsy: Summer Tanager
David Lipsy: Immature (1st year) Black Guillemot
David Lipsy: Immature (1st year) Black Guillemot
David Lipsy: Gray Seal
David Lipsy: Gulls after Chum
David Lipsy: Wilson's Storm-Petrel
David Lipsy: Wilson's Storm-Petrel
David Lipsy: Laughing Gull
David Lipsy: Red-necked Phalaropes
David Lipsy: Northern Fulmar
David Lipsy: Northern Fulmar
David Lipsy: Northern Fulmar
David Lipsy: Northern Fulmar
David Lipsy: Mola Mola (Ocean Sunfish)
David Lipsy: Mola Mola (Ocean Sunfish)
David Lipsy: Mola Mola (Ocean Sunfish)
David Lipsy: Mola Mola (Ocean Sunfish)
David Lipsy: Pinball and Calf
David Lipsy: Pinball and Calf
David Lipsy: Pinball rolls next to school of bait fish
David Lipsy: Pinball dives under the boat
David Lipsy: Pinball leaves us a "gift"
David Lipsy: Basking Shark (See comments)
David Lipsy: Juvenile Northern Gannet
David Lipsy: Juvenile Northern Gannet
David Lipsy: 3rd year immature Northern Gannet
David Lipsy: 3rd year imm Northern Gannet