David Lipsy: IMG_1933Solitary
David Lipsy: IMG_1932Solitary
David Lipsy: IMG_1955TreeSwallow
David Lipsy: IMG_1971Least-Solitary
David Lipsy: IMG_1997PeepType??? (Probable Least as well).
David Lipsy: Least Sandpipers with a Solitary Solitary Sandpiper in the foreground.
David Lipsy: IMG_1998Least
David Lipsy: IMG_2036TreeSwallow
David Lipsy: IMG_2040TreeSwallow
David Lipsy: IMG_4843Bobolink
David Lipsy: IMG_4877Bobolink
David Lipsy: IMG_4895BoboTree
David Lipsy: IMG_4899Bobos
David Lipsy: IMG_4951MatingTreeSwallows
David Lipsy: IMG_4953MatingTreeSwallows
David Lipsy: IMG_4954MatingTreeSwallows
David Lipsy: IMG_4995TreeSwallows
David Lipsy: IMG_4999TreeSwallowinBox