David Lipsy: Goose Cove 1
David Lipsy: Great Cormorant
David Lipsy: Great Cormorant
David Lipsy: Common Loon at Rye Harbor Entrance.
David Lipsy: Common Loon at Rye Harbor Entrance.
David Lipsy: Red Breasted Merganser - "Bill the Cat"
David Lipsy: Common Eiders
David Lipsy: Common Eiders
David Lipsy: Surf Scoters
David Lipsy: Surf Scoters
David Lipsy: Surf Scoters
David Lipsy: Ocean with Surf Scoter
David Lipsy: Goose Cove 2
David Lipsy: IMG_0020WindblownRBMergs1
David Lipsy: IMG_0008CommonLoon1