V Jahodovce: Winter time
V Jahodovce: Details... love colors
V Jahodovce: Details
V Jahodovce: Some of DS fabrics
V Jahodovce: Pillow for Rozarka
V Jahodovce: W.I.P. X-mas pillow
V Jahodovce: Binding
V Jahodovce: W.I.P. X-mas pillow
V Jahodovce: Christmas pillows
V Jahodovce: Our full of colors chair
V Jahodovce: Pillow with Japanese X blocks
V Jahodovce: Details...
V Jahodovce: Pillow
V Jahodovce: Pillow for my little son Adamek
V Jahodovce: Pillow for my little son Adamek
V Jahodovce: Pillow for my little son
V Jahodovce: Pillow for my little son
V Jahodovce: Pillow for my little son
V Jahodovce: Our new pillows
V Jahodovce: The stars for my little cute stars :)
V Jahodovce: Pillow for my nephew
V Jahodovce: Pillow for my daughter
V Jahodovce: Pillow
V Jahodovce: Pillows