Cardinal red1: Ash-throated Flycatcher
Cardinal red1: Hairy Woodpecker female
Cardinal red1: House Wren
Cardinal red1: Red-faced Warbler
Cardinal red1: Red-faced Warbler
Cardinal red1: Townsend's Warbler
Cardinal red1: Yellow-eyed Junco
Cardinal red1: Yellow-eyed Junco
Cardinal red1: South end of northbound Steller's Jay
Cardinal red1: Gould's Wild Turkey
Cardinal red1: Yellow-breasted Chat
Cardinal red1: Yellow-breasted Chat chatting
Cardinal red1: Yellow-breasted Chat
Cardinal red1: Acorn Woodpecker
Cardinal red1: Acorn Woodpecker feeding on peanutbutter
Cardinal red1: Acorn Woodpecker with a glob of peanut butter - Does it stick to the roof of his mouth like it does to mine?
Cardinal red1: Blue Grosbeak
Cardinal red1: Hepatic Tanager winging it - July, 2021 Tipster inside
Cardinal red1: Elegant Trogon - The bird most sought after by birders visiting SE AZ.
Cardinal red1: Elegant Trogon with food
Cardinal red1: Elegant Trogon
Cardinal red1: No fishing pole required...
Cardinal red1: Ash-throated Flycatcher
Cardinal red1: Snowy Egret
Cardinal red1: Prairie Falcon
Cardinal red1: Long-billed Curlew
Cardinal red1: White Pelicans feeding
Cardinal red1: Western Grebe Pair
Cardinal red1: Cliff Swallows
Cardinal red1: Elegant Trogon - July, 2018 Tipster Inside