sublimineth: 01: June 20, 2006
sublimineth: 0202b03: Our (See Yee included :P) present for Lingyen... PS2 games...
sublimineth: 040506: The card written by a "primary school kid"...psshhhh -_-
sublimineth: 07: The card that celebrates our friendship.
sublimineth: 08a08b08c: Looking like art at the Coolest Restaurant!
sublimineth: 09a09b09c09d: Was mmmike really listening to Lichun's talk on stem cells???
sublimineth: 11a11b: Are these design students the Coolest people of the evening or What?!?!
sublimineth: 12: Finally....the star of the evening... :)
sublimineth: @ Flor de Sol...