Abeer Bjn: Hopes and Dreams
Abeer Bjn: The blazing brightnesse of her beauties beame, And glorious light of her sunshyny face, To tell, were as to strive against the streame..
Abeer Bjn: Usha
Abeer Bjn: watching The Beauty of White geese
Abeer Bjn: So many faces in and out of my life; some will last and some will be just now!
Abeer Bjn: A Life of Simplicity
Abeer Bjn: I don't know which way to go!
Abeer Bjn: Your photography is arecord of your living, for anyone who really sees
Abeer Bjn: once you lose love, hope, fath and confidence in yourself, you lose the people who care about you
Abeer Bjn: When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option. It’s a necessity
Abeer Bjn: we are all so much together but we are all dying of loneliness
Abeer Bjn: Big Ben
Abeer Bjn: Newspapers