Joseph O'Malley64: Buff Art, South London, England.
Joseph O'Malley64: Buff Art, East London, England.
Joseph O'Malley64: Buff Art, East London, England.
Joseph O'Malley64: Painted Out Graffiti, South London, England.
Joseph O'Malley64: Buff Art, South London, England.
Joseph O'Malley64: Buff Art, South London, England.
Joseph O'Malley64: Dedicated professionals ensuring the walls of Tower Hamlets are ready for graff 24 hours a day !!!. East London, England
Joseph O'Malley64: The Built Environment, Rotherhithe, South East London, England.
Joseph O'Malley64: The Built Environment, QE2 Olympic Park, Stratford, East London, England.