AliElhajj: The Dome of the Rock & Al-Aqsa
AliElhajj: The Dome of the Rock
AliElhajj: Hagia Maria Sion Abbey, Old City Jerusalem
AliElhajj: Grace United Methodist, St. Augustine, FL
AliElhajj: The one that scared the birds away
AliElhajj: Detail
AliElhajj: Gateway
AliElhajj: Classic Car Show
AliElhajj: Water Tower in a Storm
AliElhajj: Alone through the Storm
AliElhajj: Classic Church
AliElhajj: Winter Garden Portrait
AliElhajj: The Old Telephone
AliElhajj: Flamingo
AliElhajj: Seen
AliElhajj: Eastern Lubber Grasshopper
AliElhajj: At the Ready, Winter Garden Tower 22
AliElhajj: Justice
AliElhajj: The Tower of Terror
AliElhajj: The Tower of Terror, black and white
AliElhajj: Japan Pavilion, Epcot World Showcase
AliElhajj: The Grandeur of Neptune