opalpics: John Shepherd
opalpics: Ian and Sue
opalpics: Ian and Sue
opalpics: Ian Gartside
opalpics: The IG Band plus Sue
opalpics: The IG Band
opalpics: Sue singing with The IG Band
opalpics: Sue singing with Ian
opalpics: Sue Bousfield
opalpics: Pete- Close up
opalpics: Pete 2
opalpics: Pete
opalpics: Pete and Ian
opalpics: John S and John C
opalpics: John S.
opalpics: Pete
opalpics: John C
opalpics: The Audience
opalpics: Ian, Jim and John S.
opalpics: The Ian Gartside Band
opalpics: Playing Bass
opalpics: Frank, and the One-Armed Bandit
opalpics: He Does Smile Sometimes- Honest!
opalpics: 20 Flight Rock
opalpics: Concentrating on the Sound Check
opalpics: Priory Rock
opalpics: Rocking
opalpics: British Rock
opalpics: John