Johnamill: The Bridge to Nowhere...
Johnamill: The Tay Rail Bridge
Johnamill: Tay Road Bridge lit up!
Johnamill: The moonlit silvery Tay!
Johnamill: A very calm River Tay looking towards the road bridge!
Johnamill: Rocks uncovered by the lower tide - River Tay
Johnamill: An eerie oil rig and reflection on the River Tay
Johnamill: Broughty Ferry from my balcony
Johnamill: Broughty Castle close-up from my balcony
Johnamill: By Broughty Castle looking towards the Tay bridges
Johnamill: From Broughty Castle looking towards Dundee
Johnamill: Broughty Castle looking towards lifeboat jetty
Johnamill: Broughty Castle looking towards Tentsmuir Point
Johnamill: Another view of the Tay Rail Bridge
Johnamill: Invergowrie mud flats (2)
Johnamill: Invergowrie mud flats (1)
Johnamill: Tay Rail Bridge from Riverside Nature Reserve
Johnamill: Tay Road Bridge from Riverside Nature Reserve
Johnamill: The two bridges form Riverside Nature Reserve
Johnamill: Padlocks looking eastwards towards Broughty Ferry!
Johnamill: Padlocks hanging out by the Tay Road Bridge!
Johnamill: DSC_0022
Johnamill: DSC_0021 (Small)
Johnamill: DSC_0021
Johnamill: DSC_0020
Johnamill: DSC_0019
Johnamill: DSC_0018
Johnamill: DSC_0017
Johnamill: DSC_0016
Johnamill: DSC_0015