Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Rose climbers on a San Francisco house
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Gigantic hen plant
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Playing chess at Vesuvio Cafe
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): San Francisco Chinatown
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): View of the San Francisco MOMA indoor footbridge
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Palace of Fine Arts
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Vesuvio Cafe mural
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Another mural near the Vesuvio Cafe
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Turtle posing at the Japanese Tea Garden
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Golden Gate bridge turns 75!
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): The Grand Old Iron Lady - Golden Gate Bridge
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Alcatraz - view from the San Francisco Marina
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): San Francisco cable car