Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Self-portrait with beret
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): "Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical." Sophia Loren
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Looking to the heavens
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): How I love the sea!
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Self-portrait with Spanish fan
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Seeing the light in the darkness...
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Leaving winter behind...
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Contemplating in the golden fields...
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Mexican Day of the Dead costume - Happy Halloween!
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): Happy Holidays Flickr friends!!!
Aura's Art (Extremely busy...): A sense of wonder...