Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Swartkopreier, Black-headed Heron
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Slanghalsvoël, African Darter
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Springbok, Antidorcas marsupialis
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Ralreier, Squacco Heron 1
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Ralreier, Squacco Heron 4
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: South African cliff-swallow, Familieswael (ID Johan)
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: South African cliff-swallow, Familieswael
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: South African cliff-swallow, Familieswael (Youngster)
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Gewone Boskraai, Trumpeter Hornbill 4
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Gewone Boskraai, Trumpeter Hornbill 3
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Geitjie, House Gecko 1
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Black-Tipped or Slender Mongoose, Swartkwasmuishond 1
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Swartkeelgeelvink, Southern Masked-Weaver 1
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Vleitinktinkie, Levaillant's Cisticola 1
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Eye of an Elephant (Best on black or in large)
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Bosbok, Bushbuck, Tragelaphus scriptus 1
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Waterbuck, Kobus ellipsiprymnus
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Geelbekneushoringvoël, Yellowbilled Hornbill
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Kuifkophoutkapper, Crested Barbet, Trachyphonus vaillantii
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Giraffe expressions
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Giraffe expression 11
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Giraffe expression 4
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Giraffe expression 3
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Giraffe expression 6
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Giraffe expression 7
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Withelmlaksman, White-crested Helmet-Shrike 4
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Elephant with a skew tusk
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Cape Longclow, Oranjekeelkalkoentjie
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Crowned Lapwing, Kroonkiewiet 1