Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: African Pied Wagtail, Bontkwikkie
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: African Pipet, Gewone koester
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: African Reed-Warbler, Kleinrietsanger (ID correct?)
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Afrikaanse Paddavreter, African March-Harrier(?) Immature
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Afrikaanse Snip, African Snipe
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Ai tog, ek moes maar net gou weer 'n foto neem!!!
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Bergkanarie, Black-throated Canary
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Bleshoender, Redknobbed Coot, Fulica cristata
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Bloureier, Grey heron, Ardea cinerea
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Blouvalk, Blackshouldered Kite over Potchefstroom
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Bokmakierie, Telophorus zeylonus (Sien kommentaar)
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Bontelsie, Avocet, Recurvirostra avosetta
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Bontkiewiet, Blacksmith Plover, Vanellus armatus
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Bosruiter, Wood Sandpiper, Tringa glareola
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Bosveld Tjeriktik, Chestnut-vented Tit-Babbler 1
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Bosveldfisant, Swainson's Spurfowl Calling from a distance!
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Bronze Mannikin, Gewone Fret 4
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Brown-throated Martin, Afrikaanse Oewerswael
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Bruinkopvisvanger, Brown-hooded Kingfisher
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Bruinsylangstertjie, Tawny-flanked Prinia
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Cape Robin-Chat, Gewone Janfrederik 4
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Cape Wagtail, Gewone Kwikkie
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Captured in the blink of an eye!
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Crowned Lapwing, Kroonkiewiet 4
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Diederikkie, Diderick Cuckoo
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Dikbekwewer, Thick-billed Weaver
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Dikkop, Spotted Dikkop, Burhinus capensis
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Draaihals, Red-throated Wryneck
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom: Driebandstrandkiewiet, Three-banded Plover