Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
M20 Trifid Nebula and M8 Lagoon Nebula and surrounds
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Caldwell 94 - the Jewel Box next to the Southern Cross
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
M20 trifid nebula
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Eagle of another kind
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Sun 14Julie2012 15:26
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Sun HDR 6Jun2012
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Moon 10April2012
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
C77 or NGC5128 - Centaurus A
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Jupiter Moon Venus 26Mrt2012
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Jupiter left and Venus right
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
C80 or NGC5139 - Omega Centauri
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
M42 30min 20Jan2012 500mm. No filters used.
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Jupiter 60 23Okt2011 Canon 550D, Meade LX200 10 GPS telescope, F30, 60 images stacked.
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
M16 eagle nebula
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
M17 48min again
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
M42 en M43 a
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
M8 45 van 13 Aug 2009
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
M31 16min 250mm ISO1600 3Des2010 i 2
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
M20 omgewing, 24mm 10min 350D 11Mei2010-1
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
M8 en M20 200mm 15min 6Sep 2010 klein
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Saturnus 25Junie2011 149 bin 2x2
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Falcon 9 Rocket 1600km away
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Eta Carinae Nebula C92
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Centaurus A
Davi Schutte Potchefstroom:
Eta Carinae Nebula region (C 92 or NGC 3372)