Mel's Place: Isaac Day 162 of 365
Mel's Place: Zoe (Year 2) Day 164 of 365
Mel's Place: 8:25 am is too early for us!!
Mel's Place: Makenzie Day 164 of 365
Mel's Place: Isaac Day 164 of 365
Mel's Place: this creepy crawly was in our plants
Mel's Place: Isaac Day 161 of 365
Mel's Place: First Day of VBS-2008
Mel's Place: Zoe (Year 2) Day 165 of 365
Mel's Place: ...maybe it's not a good idea to have them say, "ALOHA"...
Mel's Place: too cute, even with the drool :P
Mel's Place: Zoe (Year 2) Day 161 of 365
Mel's Place: Stevie Day 161 of 365
Mel's Place: we made it to Friday!
Mel's Place: 2008: Day 163 A Year in Pictures
Mel's Place: The KC Royals Mascot
Mel's Place: 2008: Day 161 A Year in Pictures
Mel's Place: Makenzie Day 165 of 365
Mel's Place: Stevie Day 165 of 365
Mel's Place: rehearsal for the program tonight
Mel's Place: ...this is Ryan's little sister...
Mel's Place: Isaac Day 165 of 365
Mel's Place: I was driving up, they were dumping a bucket over Stevie's head...I missed it for the camera