Mel's Place: "WHATEVER!"
Mel's Place: "I want to thank everyone that made this possible"
Mel's Place: cradling her award
Mel's Place: the scary replicant and the beautiful actress
Mel's Place: (Stevie directing Zoe in the background)
Mel's Place: (Stevie directing Zoe in the background)
Mel's Place: so grateful for her award
Mel's Place: (Stevie directs Max on how to cry)
Mel's Place: Stevie is presenting Miss Maxie with her award
Mel's Place: Zoe as Pris for John
Mel's Place: Zoe as Pris
Mel's Place: Zoe as Pris
Mel's Place: Zoe as Pris
Mel's Place: Zoe as Pris
Mel's Place: Zoe as Pris
Mel's Place: give us a kiss, Miss Pris
Mel's Place: Miss Maxie couldn't handle not getting some attention...
Mel's Place: blow me a kiss
Mel's Place: for all of my adoring fans