Dangerous44: 15th January 2020. 62005 at the GCR
Dangerous44: 16th January 2020. 62005 at the GCR
Dangerous44: 16th January 2020. Night shoot with 62005 at the GCR.
Dangerous44: 15th January 2020. 62005 at the GCR
Dangerous44: 12th March 2013. 2 K's at the ELR
Dangerous44: 12th March 2013. 2 K's at the ELR
Dangerous44: 16th January 2020. Night shoot with 62005 at the GCR.
Dangerous44: 16th January 2020. Night shoot with 62005 at the GCR.
Dangerous44: 16th January 2020. Night shoot with 62005 at the GCR.