eLizabethG: Eva and Papa
eLizabethG: Eva and Papa
eLizabethG: Eva and Papa
eLizabethG: Marching across the stage
eLizabethG: Eva's Grad
eLizabethG: The MATE grads
eLizabethG: Can you see her? Over there . . . on the far side.
eLizabethG: The Procession
eLizabethG: Procession
eLizabethG: The lone piper
eLizabethG: Julie
eLizabethG: Onlyat SFU
eLizabethG: Proof
eLizabethG: The Chancellor, President and Eva
eLizabethG: The Chancellor, President and Eva
eLizabethG: Classmates - Anna Wathey
eLizabethG: Rhonda Arab et al
eLizabethG: Faculty
eLizabethG: Julie, Eva and Papa
eLizabethG: Julie, Eva and Papa