wiggy74: good nite lulu. l love you.
wiggy74: good nite lulu. l love you.
wiggy74: then she was HOME! (the end)
wiggy74: ONE little lady bug sitting all alone, along came a breeze...
wiggy74: 4 little lady bugs...
wiggy74: 9 little lady bugs...
wiggy74: 10 little lady bugs...
wiggy74: angry baby
wiggy74: checking under the hood
wiggy74: what makes kenzie laugh
wiggy74: the closet gnome
wiggy74: stacking bubbles
wiggy74: come on, this will be fun...
wiggy74: come on, this will be fun...
wiggy74: waking up with cousin kristin
wiggy74: be still my heart
wiggy74: i'm gonna get what i want
wiggy74: i'm gonna get what i want
wiggy74: i'm gonna get what i want
wiggy74: i'm gonna get what i want
wiggy74: first bath in the tub
wiggy74: first bath in the tub
wiggy74: first bath in the tub
wiggy74: first bath in the tub
wiggy74: first bath in the tub
wiggy74: first bath in the tub
wiggy74: first bath in the tub
wiggy74: reading
wiggy74: reading
wiggy74: reading