Phillip Gates: Palmate newt
Phillip Gates: Water slater or Hog-louse, Asellus aquaticus
Phillip Gates: Palmate newt
Phillip Gates: Palmate newt
Phillip Gates: Field Horsetail, Equisetum arvense
Phillip Gates: Cowslips, Primula veris
Phillip Gates: Bumblebee
Phillip Gates: The Blackbird and the Wasp - What Happened Next...?
Phillip Gates: 7-spot ladybird
Phillip Gates: Tree Bumblebee Bombus hypnorum
Phillip Gates: Seven-spot ladybird
Phillip Gates: Frosted fruits of Iris foetidissima
Phillip Gates: Centipede
Phillip Gates: Blowfly
Phillip Gates: Woodlice gossiping
Phillip Gates: Angry slug
Phillip Gates: Fledgling song thrush
Phillip Gates: Peacock butterfly
Phillip Gates: Woodlouse shedding its exoskeleton
Phillip Gates: Dew-covered web
Phillip Gates: Havestman with hitchhiking mites
Phillip Gates: Harvestman with hitchhiking mites
Phillip Gates: Frozen web
Phillip Gates: Harvestman spider
Phillip Gates: Harvestman
Phillip Gates: Red Admiral
Phillip Gates: Comma butterfly underside
Phillip Gates: Red Admiral
Phillip Gates: Havestman Spider
Phillip Gates: Red Admiral