peta.n.richkus: Who knew there was such a thing, but Snip-its of Framingham, MA is "the premier destination for kids’ haircuts. .... quality cuts in a fun environment!" There is one in MD - Crofton.
peta.n.richkus: The haircut was torture, but there was a reward from the Prize-o-Meter.
peta.n.richkus: It was a sunny, windy afternoon.
peta.n.richkus: Out for a walk
peta.n.richkus: Post-haircut
peta.n.richkus: Sunday morning walk in the North Pond area of Lake Cochituate
peta.n.richkus: Saxonville Beach, Framingham, MA
peta.n.richkus: SAM_0311
peta.n.richkus: There is lots of Pooh Love Chez Richkus-Ganderson.
peta.n.richkus: SAM_0318
peta.n.richkus: SAM_0323
peta.n.richkus: SAM_0326
peta.n.richkus: SAM_0327
peta.n.richkus: SAM_0331
peta.n.richkus: Adam and Rebecca on the Rivers School beach, Nonesuch Pond, Weston.
peta.n.richkus: Rebecca and I joined Adam for lunch period in the Rivers' new Campus Center
peta.n.richkus: At BOS, waiting for my flight home.