mglenbo1: I was born Dec 27
mglenbo1: Heather was Excited
mglenbo1: Boga was Cold
mglenbo1: My eyes were closed
mglenbo1: she tried to fix me
mglenbo1: then I smiled
mglenbo1: so we were friends
mglenbo1: and i was frustrated
mglenbo1: she was astonished
mglenbo1: that i was mad
mglenbo1: Tired
mglenbo1: and nurtured
mglenbo1: watchingfootball
mglenbo1: MakingSmells
mglenbo1: BeingSerious
mglenbo1: being a wheelbarrel
mglenbo1: being a fat pilot
mglenbo1: She was sad
mglenbo1: cause irene had lots of hair
mglenbo1: i turned one
mglenbo1: I ate the cake
mglenbo1: and then felt like this
mglenbo1: so I became concerned
mglenbo1: and my hair got curly
mglenbo1: while my dad got promo
mglenbo1: i checked for babes
mglenbo1: with my sister
mglenbo1: while helping my dad
mglenbo1: and pushing heather
mglenbo1: went to new orleans