Water and Rails:
DDR memories
Water and Rails:
Heavy Freight
Water and Rails:
Walldorf Departure
Water and Rails:
Roadside running
Water and Rails:
Double headed Class 41s.
Water and Rails:
Catching the light
Water and Rails:
Into her stride
Water and Rails:
Thuringer Wald
Water and Rails:
Roaring Monster
Water and Rails:
Water and Rails:
Meeting point
Water and Rails:
Mushroom Lamps
Water and Rails:
Immelborn shunt
Water and Rails:
Mighty pair
Water and Rails:
Walldorf Pair
Water and Rails:
Super power working away from Immelborm
Water and Rails:
Morning Silhouette
Water and Rails:
Jumbo departure
Water and Rails:
Fortha Bank
Water and Rails:
Super Power
Water and Rails:
Loaded Timber
Water and Rails:
Clag monster
Water and Rails:
Heading to Eisenach
Water and Rails:
By the Lake
Water and Rails:
On the branch
Water and Rails:
Clean engines
Water and Rails:
East German Grey
Water and Rails:
Morning Freight
Water and Rails:
Morning Departure
Water and Rails:
Passing the Box