cordovaraven: DSC_1037
cordovaraven: DSC_3397
cordovaraven: DSC_3736
cordovaraven: DSC_1810
cordovaraven: Meditation
cordovaraven: Here's looking at you kid
cordovaraven: Forbearance
cordovaraven: Beauty
cordovaraven: Dealing with the snow and hoping for spring.
cordovaraven: One day of sunshine brings a break in the snow.
cordovaraven: "Look out, theres a human coming"
cordovaraven: I'm keeping an eye on you my friend.
cordovaraven: It's good where we've been and where were goin' Jim Pepper
cordovaraven: Seriously.
cordovaraven: DSC_4690
cordovaraven: I love when when they dance for me
cordovaraven: Just hanging around
cordovaraven: Maulder's portrait day
cordovaraven: Somethings going on, I tried to get this one to tell me, but this look is all I got
cordovaraven: We got to sit and chat for qutie awhile
cordovaraven: That's not the look of a youngster.
cordovaraven: DSC_4767
cordovaraven: DSC_5569
cordovaraven: DSC_5587
cordovaraven: DSC_5630
cordovaraven: Okay, say Ahhhhh
cordovaraven: My new friend.
cordovaraven: My new friend.
cordovaraven: My new friend.
cordovaraven: A piece of beef for your thoughts.