cordovaraven: Old man face
cordovaraven: Grandfather and Granddaughter- passing on the songs
cordovaraven: Yakutat, Eyak and Chitna Villages gathering at Terral
cordovaraven: Roadsters Me They let anyone play with them
cordovaraven: John Hoover
cordovaraven: Mary and John
cordovaraven: And the dignity
cordovaraven: They take us where we need to go
cordovaraven: Oh yeah
cordovaraven: Odetta in Seattle
cordovaraven: Martin Sheen & Will Sampson
cordovaraven: Emiko and Will on his birthday in Sante Fe
cordovaraven: Zoe and Will
cordovaraven: Martin Sheen and friend
cordovaraven: Hoyt Axton b
cordovaraven: Lisa Murkowski
cordovaraven: Ted Stevens
cordovaraven: The story is told
cordovaraven: Will Sampson and Charlie Hill.
cordovaraven: Jim Schoppert, amazing artist.
cordovaraven: John Hoover and Will Sampson
cordovaraven: John Hoover and Allan Houser
cordovaraven: John J Hoover
cordovaraven: John Hoover
cordovaraven: Buffy Sainte- Marie at the Paramount Theatre
cordovaraven: Awesome evening with the Heartless Bastards