samthe8th: A climber in Yangshuo
Rupert Vandervell: The Conversation
Jim Wolfe 1: Splash!
clausmatron: Neue Wache
Terapixel²: Late Summer Sunshades (+1)
Jordan Morganne: O bere o affogare...
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of its container.” Wallace Stevens
♪ fotodisignorina ♪ Felicia Violi PHOTOGRAPHY: “Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves. Its eternal goal is life.” Smiley Blanton
Images ● Fantasy: New Light Radiation (VIII)
lavagrant: Mystery Bloody Mary
-benson- 編審: 低溫沸騰
Arthur_Cross: Autumn Reflection
DanielKHC: Parallelism
DanielKHC: Vertical Limit
Sophia Alexis: Seeing The World
Wolfgang Staudt: Der neue Tag
Lluis i Vinyet: Rocas en l'Ametlla
heikkri: kaamos-1
Landanna: Sign of autumn
Franz-Michael S. Mellbin: Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 7678
pierre alarie: Automne 2012 - Canon G1X 1/2
R-Pe: Rrrrrrrrrrrrrooooaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr
IcarusBlue: sunrise in the subway
-Brad-: the day I realised I really should get the prescription on my glasses checked