Gail MacLellan: -001.jpg
Gail MacLellan: -002.jpg
Gail MacLellan: Aphid-003.jpg
Gail MacLellan: Treehopper Nymph-004.jpg
Gail MacLellan: -005.jpg
Gail MacLellan: Aphid-006.jpg
Gail MacLellan: Aphid-007.jpg
Gail MacLellan: Minute Pirate Bugs (Anthocoridae)(Tetraphleps uniformis)-008.jpg
Gail MacLellan: Leafhopper
Gail MacLellan: Either a damselfly or mayfly larvae
Gail MacLellan: Candy-striped Leafhopper-008.jpg
Gail MacLellan: Leafhopper-009.jpg
Gail MacLellan: -001.jpg
Gail MacLellan: -002.jpg
Gail MacLellan: Neokolla hieroglyphica - The only pink leafhopper east of the Rockies-003.jpg
Gail MacLellan: Milkweed Bug Nymph-001.jpg
Gail MacLellan: Bagworm Moth-002.jpg
Gail MacLellan: Bagworm Moth-001.jpg
Gail MacLellan: Aphid, Oleander Aphid (Aphis nerii)-001.jpg
Gail MacLellan: Full set extension tube + 105 Sigma Macro, Snow Midges (Diamesa)-007.jpg