josepmreves: DSC_2138.psd bis-1DSC_2345.psdbis Basilica de santa Maria Cracovia , Polonia ( st Marys Basilica Krakow Poland)by night
josepmreves: Panoesgle-16.psd-22DSC_2345.psdbis Basilica de santa Maria Cracovia , Polonia ( st Marys Basilica Krakow Poland)
aycasan: Waiting for the beautiful sunset.
aycasan: Don't bother me; I'm eating
aycasan: nature makes you happy.
aycasan: This is freedom.
aycasan: the magic of the flower fairy
aycasan: I found the flower fairy.-)
aycasan: Let's go to the mountains
aycasan: Two friends
aycasan: yellow&black
josepmreves: DSC_2131.psd Cloth hall cracovia (Polonia) Poland
josepmreves: ( Catedral de Wawel Cracóvia Polónia)Wawel cathedral Kraków Poland
josepmreves: esglesia-3 Església Greco-catòlica de St. de la Transfiguració Joroslaw Poland
Sue L C: IMG_1909
aycasan: it's flying away
aycasan: last hours of the day
aycasan: hidden love.-)
aycasan: Serender library.-)
aycasan: I saw you.-)
josepmreves: 2023-07-05_04-10-31 Cosmos Bipinnatus
Tanja146: 🌸🐝
aycasan: Take a deep breath..Nature will heal you. :)
aycasan: life in the mountain..thank you for fave and comments
aycasan: Tea time with this beautiful view .-)
aycasan: Butterfly in the Rain