AG Martin:
Ski Mt Hood, West Crater Route. Me nearing the top... Steep. The parking lot is waaayyyy down there.
AG Martin:
Final few steep feet from top, Mt Hood, Oregon. We skied the slope behind me. Around 50 degrees and you feel gravity kicking in on each turn.
AG Martin:
Top of Mt Hood. I Googled "Ski Mountaineer" and this photo of me was first in the search results. Thats a joke of course... I was just third.
AG Martin:
Clockwise ski of Dragontail Peak. Things are about to get a little more serious... just before the final ridge to Pandora's Box Couloir.
AG Martin:
1st Ski Descent, Dark Peak. Steep skinning up near the end of the second pitch. Each pitch being one to two thousand feet of up and down. Summit, then reverse.
AG Martin:
Dark Peak, just visible on the upper left of center. Anonymity Towers (unclimbed as of 2021?) to the right. Dark Glacier all of lower right.
AG Martin:
Full Pack, Fast Ski, Ski Longs Pass, Cascades, WA. I learned how to ski just 3 years prior. But I got after it... More>
AG Martin:
Below all this snow, there's another story below this 2 story Hut in BC, Canada. Lots of snow!
AG Martin:
Near the Top of "The Spoon", South Facing, Carbon Peak, Gunnison, CO, February Corn. It's scarier than it looks. We skinned (walked up on skis) up this... lots of "Z" shaped zig zagging to lessen the steepness.
AG Martin:
Augusta Peak, Crested Butte, CO. Sulking. Scott stopped me here... it was kind of steep off both sides.
AG Martin:
Augusta Peak, Near my old Home town, Crested Butte, CO. Mineral Point immediate background, and the town of Crested Butte (10 or so miles down valley).
AG Martin:
Dropping In One at a Time, Redwell Basin, Mt Emmons / Red Lady above / behind Crested Butte, CO. Wind scoured and icy entrance (similar to all the other gullies in the photo).
AG Martin:
Waterfall section, lower Redwell Basin, Crested Butte CO. In the summer, the steep bit on the left side of the avy path is actually a waterfall in the summer. And that's where you ski. North Facing so the route holds powder for a long time.