Berndt00: First roundhouse shed excavation. Looking eastward, towards turntable pit. Archeological excavation.
Berndt00: First turntable pit and three sheds, looking northwards.
Berndt00: Excavating first turntable pit, note long steel bar rod in foreground. Truss bar?
Berndt00: Ottawa West, 1st turntable pit.
Berndt00: Ottawa West, second roundhouse shed. O-Train behind.
Berndt00: Excavating first turntable pit walls.
Berndt00: First turntable pit, pivot wood covered by tarps. Looking northwest.
Berndt00: Second roundhouse sheds, western group, looking to northwest, Bayview Station in background.
Berndt00: Second roundhouse sheds group to southwest.
Berndt00: Pano of first turntable pit, sheds; O-Train in background.