Girly Toys:
Salon de Thé
Girly Toys:
Bienvenue au Salon de Thé "Chez Lilie" / Welcome to Tea "In Lilie"
Girly Toys:
Its smells like fresh paint <3
Girly Toys:
Shipment of products !
Girly Toys:
Installation of furniture, bouhh it lasts !
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Programming of the box !
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Storage of fruit juices craft
Girly Toys:
Lilie still held relaxes, who just finished the pin shortly before the opening
Girly Toys:
Ouverture du "Salon de Thé Chez Lilie"
Girly Toys:
Focus on huge Donuts <3
Girly Toys:
Seen from the window
Girly Toys:
Lilie counter with the cash
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Corner Tasting ^__^
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On the counter were also other delicious pastries <3
Girly Toys:
Seen from the "Tea Room"
Girly Toys:
"Hello and welcome to Lilie"
Girly Toys:
Bridget came to taste
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Gracy also to join Bridget and her enjoying !
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Focus on my little Gracy <3
Girly Toys:
The two chips together <3
Girly Toys:
Small chips together :D
Girly Toys:
First customer of the day Miss PinkyBear
Girly Toys:
Seen from the front door
Girly Toys:
Hello ^__^
Girly Toys:
Girly Toys:
Girly Toys:
Girly Toys:
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Girly Toys: