Kitty-K@t: I spy with my little eye...
Kitty-K@t: “Sleep is my lover now, my forgetting, my opiate, my oblivion.”
Kitty-K@t: Cinematic
Kitty-K@t: dont fence me in
Kitty-K@t: a gentle touch
Kitty-K@t: pucker up
Kitty-K@t: do i really wanna know?
Kitty-K@t: Hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops... at all.
Kitty-K@t: idknw
Kitty-K@t: puppy love
Kitty-K@t: peek-a-boo
Kitty-K@t: say what?!
Kitty-K@t: the dark side
Kitty-K@t: I'm gonna shake these thoughts right out of my head
Kitty-K@t: double vision
Kitty-K@t: Two heads are better than one.