Krakitt: Hello Kitty with the Addams Family
Krakitt: Jango Fett on my street
Krakitt: Iron Kid
Krakitt: Snake-Eyes
Krakitt: cardboard stormtrooper! :D
Krakitt: cardboard Darth Vader & stormtroopers :D
Krakitt: Skeletor & Evil-Lyn
Krakitt: Padawans on parade
Krakitt: Spartans on the march
Krakitt: the spaceship Serenity
Krakitt: American Maid, 1943 Captain America, Batgirl, Captain Cold, & more
Krakitt: Captain Jack Sparrow captured
Krakitt: Space Marines
Krakitt: Princess Bride characters
Krakitt: ready for battle
Krakitt: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Krakitt: Ghost Busters
Krakitt: Robocop
Krakitt: Iron Man - Mark 1
Krakitt: Halo turns to the dark side
Krakitt: Two Face - up close
Krakitt: Batgirl in combat
Krakitt: Captain America
Krakitt: The Red Skull
Krakitt: Superman vs Lobo
Krakitt: Colossus and Kitty Pryde
Krakitt: lovely Star Wars women
Krakitt: Clone Commando from Omega Squad
Krakitt: Sawblade lollipop
Krakitt: Shipwreck and Baroness from GI Joe