Wiltrichs: #wiltrichspaintingtips #wiltrichs #spacewolves #warmongers #warhammer40k #primaris #40k #killteam #spacemarines
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Super Mutant Bust, Fallout 4, Nuka Cola, FeR Miniatures (Mutant Scout Garvan)
holajaxtw: bulls008
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Vindicare Assassine, Games Workshop, Private Commission work
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Culexus Assassin, Games Workshop, Private Commission Work
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Callidus Assassine, Games Workshop, Private Commission Work
holajaxtw: khornejuggerlord
cervantes3773: IMG_8327
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Temple Guard 1, Freebooter Miniatures
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Temple Guard 1, Freebooter Miniatures
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Temple Guard 2, Freebooter Miniatures
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Temple Guard 2, Freebooter Miniatures
Will Vale: Colonial Viper Mark One (with lights)
dav.roberto: 2Leman Russ GI9
JiaLi Chen: bloodclaws
robin999999: biker sgt with powr fist
holajaxtw: Be'lakor, Daemon Prince
Tommie Soule: sanguinary-guard-rear
Tommie Soule: sanguinary-guard-front
Eric the wanderer: Space wolves Venerable Dreadnought
Rafael Mattick / acrylomatic: Space Wolves Rune Priest