penelope waits: heart of a rose in bath botanic gardens
penelope waits: spray roses in the bath botanic gardens
penelope waits: violet flowers in the bath botanic gardens
penelope waits: unusual bloom in the bath botanic gardens
penelope waits: little lost feather in the bath botanic gardens
penelope waits: pink flowers in the bath botanic gardens
penelope waits: magdalen garden
penelope waits: speckled flower at the oxford botanic gardens
penelope waits: 'herbaceous border' at the oxford botanic gardens
penelope waits: tropical lily house at the oxford botanic gardens
penelope waits: giant lilies at the oxford botanic gardens
penelope waits: more carniverous plants at the oxford botanic gardens
penelope waits: carniverous plants at the oxford botanic gardens
penelope waits: fluffy plant on the road to sydenham
penelope waits: blackberry blossom, sydenham
penelope waits: magdalen garden gate
penelope waits: gardens at trinity college
penelope waits: flowers in the garden at trinity college
penelope waits: butterfly and daisies on hampstead heath
penelope waits: moss and fungus on hampstead heath
penelope waits: spiky things!
penelope waits: yarrow in hampstead heath
penelope waits: berries in hampstead heath
penelope waits: apples growing in the katz's garden
penelope waits: perfectly pink
penelope waits: bouquet for mum
penelope waits: ranunculus
penelope waits: flowers at heronwood