milorlz1172!: IMG_4607
milorlz1172!: Modern Art Museum
milorlz1172!: Agriculture Department
milorlz1172!: Outside of the Sofia
milorlz1172!: Lichtenstein
milorlz1172!: IMG_4616
milorlz1172!: Mobile in the courtyard of the Sofia
milorlz1172!: Glass Elevators
milorlz1172!: The eye open and closed
milorlz1172!: Dali- The Great Masturbator
milorlz1172!: Artsy view of Madrid
milorlz1172!: IMG_4627
milorlz1172!: Rothko
milorlz1172!: Creepy post-war piece
milorlz1172!: Stairs in the Sofia
milorlz1172!: Awesome
milorlz1172!: Where I grew up...I'm not proud
milorlz1172!: Terrace of the Sofia
milorlz1172!: IMG_4646