stokeyouth1: Reflections in the canal.
stokeyouth1: Chilly ivy seeks the sun.
stokeyouth1: Approaching Shelton.
stokeyouth1: Looks like we're too late for a curry!
stokeyouth1: Slippery towpath, well the NHS is over there!
stokeyouth1: One, two, three, CANNONBALL!!!
stokeyouth1: I hope the snow is blowing over!
stokeyouth1: Broken reflections.
stokeyouth1: Slippery slope.
stokeyouth1: We've walked all this way and the cafe is closed!
stokeyouth1: Silhouettes-bridges and trees.
stokeyouth1: It's snowy, are we in Canada yet?
stokeyouth1: We can't hide this eyesore without leaves!
stokeyouth1: Sunny but still icy.
stokeyouth1: Modern bridge, badly treated!
stokeyouth1: I wonder what this wall was for?
stokeyouth1: Work still goes on beside the canal.
stokeyouth1: I think the roof needs a little attention.
stokeyouth1: Crunchy with a honeycomb centre.
stokeyouth1: Silhouetted tree.
stokeyouth1: Looks like rain on the way!
stokeyouth1: Disused warehouse.
stokeyouth1: Hanley Park in all its reflected glory.
stokeyouth1: A bright future for Emma Bridgewater.
stokeyouth1: Under Lichfield Street bridge.
stokeyouth1: Reflected solitude.
stokeyouth1: Attempt to take over!
stokeyouth1: Caldon Canal Junction.
stokeyouth1: Winter silhouette.
stokeyouth1: Moss colonisation.