VaughanG: Atlantic Horseshoe Crab
VaughanG: Horseshoe Crab underside
VaughanG: Horseshoe Carb and shorebirds
VaughanG: Horseshoe Crabs and Laughing Gull
VaughanG: Laughing Gull
VaughanG: Mourning Dove
VaughanG: Tufted Titmouse
VaughanG: Northern Cardinal
VaughanG: Eastern Cottontail
VaughanG: Lesser Yellowlegs
VaughanG: Solitary Sandpiper
VaughanG: Carolina Chickadee
VaughanG: Field Sparrow
VaughanG: Common Grackle
VaughanG: Turkey Vulture
VaughanG: American Lady
VaughanG: Zabulon Skipper
VaughanG: American Oystercatcher
VaughanG: Northern Mockingbird
VaughanG: Pearl Crescent
VaughanG: Black Swallowtail
VaughanG: Eastern Wood Pewee
VaughanG: Wild Turkey
VaughanG: White-eyed Vireo
VaughanG: Marsh Wren
VaughanG: Black and White Warbler
VaughanG: Song Sparrow
VaughanG: Brown-headed Cowbird - female
VaughanG: Moccasin Orchid
VaughanG: Eastern Pondhawk