garyastrong: American musket stack.
garyastrong: Toronto (York) in the distance.
garyastrong: Navymen
garyastrong: Bess stacks!
garyastrong: You did what????
garyastrong: British militiaman.
garyastrong: Explaining the Brown Bess musket.
garyastrong: Volunteer officer.
garyastrong: A volunteer and his pipe.
garyastrong: Volunteer fifer.
garyastrong: Hat #2
garyastrong: Infantry encampment.
garyastrong: Infantry soldier.
garyastrong: Infantry officer.
garyastrong: Out hunting?
garyastrong: I think they smell the French Fries?!
garyastrong: Infantry huddle...
garyastrong: He's got a saw on his back???
garyastrong: A smoke before the battle.
garyastrong: Canadian volunteers at attention.
garyastrong: The Apothecary
garyastrong: Man of many hats!
garyastrong: Irishman in the Lincoln militia.
garyastrong: 20130612_195
garyastrong: Infantryman
garyastrong: Talking history
garyastrong: American army re-enactors.
garyastrong: Serious business
garyastrong: Volunteering for the Americans.
garyastrong: Cannon demo..