garyastrong: Red Face.
garyastrong: Another red face.
garyastrong: Mohawk warrior.
garyastrong: Painted for war!
garyastrong: Mohawk leader.
garyastrong: Time for a smoke.
garyastrong: Sharing a giggle or two.
garyastrong: Veteran soldier.
garyastrong: American militiaman.
garyastrong: Canadian militiaman.
garyastrong: At rest!
garyastrong: Deep conversation.
garyastrong: Soldier wannabe!
garyastrong: Standing guard.
garyastrong: Beards a gettin' grayer.
garyastrong: Camp followers.
garyastrong: American infantry regulars.
garyastrong: Lots of American re-enactors.
garyastrong: Forming up on the field.
garyastrong: Different companies represented.
garyastrong: Another militia company.
garyastrong: British artillery.
garyastrong: Shoes anyone?
garyastrong: Monument in the fall.
garyastrong: Officer on horse.
garyastrong: Citizen militiaman.
garyastrong: Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to battle we go...
garyastrong: Whistling suttler.
garyastrong: Playing at soldiers.
garyastrong: Old and the New.