andjohmoe: Japanese Crest kaku Kuyoh_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese crest Kajuuji Sasa_1600-1599
andjohmoe: Japanese crest Kagome_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese crest Kage jyuyonn Kukiku_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest kage Jigami_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest kage Daki Gyouyou_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese crest Kaga Umebachi_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest Jyuu Kiku_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest Jyanome_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest Jyanome Kuyou_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest Jyanome 2_1599-1599
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest Jigami_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest Kikko ni Hana Hisi_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest Ken Suhama_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest ken Katabami_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest kawari Suhama_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest Katabami_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest kasane sanngai Hisi_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest Kasane Izutsu inverted_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Japanese Crest Karahana_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Yotsubishi inverted_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Yamanouchi mon_1600-1623
andjohmoe: Wachigai_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Ura manji_1600-1599
andjohmoe: Umebachi(No background and Black color drawing)_1600-1549
andjohmoe: Ukita mon_1600-1623
andjohmoe: Tuta (No background and Black color drawing)_1600-1273
andjohmoe: Turu no maru(No background and Black color drawing)_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Tosa Kasiwa(No background and Black color drawing)_1600-1600
andjohmoe: Tokugawa family crest_1600-1600