lewispix: 33/22 Bumble Bee
lewispix: 82/34 Hoverfly on daisy
lewispix: Tortoiseshell butterfly
lewispix: 112b/2 - Speckled Wood
lewispix: Dragonfly
lewispix: Marbled White
lewispix: Tortoiseshell butterfly
lewispix: Tortoiseshell butterfly (2)
lewispix: Water Lily in the rain
lewispix: Marbled White
lewispix: Comma butterfly (1)
lewispix: Orange-tip butterfly
lewispix: Spotted orchid - I think!
lewispix: Waiting to be fed
lewispix: 18 May
lewispix: Red Damsel Fly (1)
lewispix: Red Damsel Fly (2)
lewispix: Moth
lewispix: Ringlet butterfly
lewispix: White-tailed Bumble Bee
lewispix: Rock Pipit
lewispix: The Blue Banded Demoiselle
lewispix: Small Yellow Underwing
lewispix: Bracket Fungus (1)
lewispix: Bracket Fungus (2)
lewispix: Cardinal Beetle
lewispix: Mystery fly
lewispix: A pair of Herons
lewispix: Goldfinches
lewispix: The Golden-Bloomed Grey Longhorn Beetle