YamTikhoni: Long exposure at the walled port-city of Akko, St. John d'Acre DSCF1802
YamTikhoni: A diver at sunset DSCF9125
YamTikhoni: Precarious balance
YamTikhoni: Israel, Jerusalem, The Blue Hour at the Western Wall 66
YamTikhoni: Israel, a view to Gaza Strip from a hilltop in Sderot. 276
YamTikhoni: Southern Israel, The Negev Desert at the end of day
YamTikhoni: Israel, Sunset in the Negev Desert
YamTikhoni: Israel, end of day at the Mediterranean Sea
YamTikhoni: Central Israel, Twilight on the Mediterranean Sea
YamTikhoni: Israel, The Mediterranean Sea at Twilight
YamTikhoni: Israel, Landscape near the Triple Frontier Israel/Jordan/Syria