Michael C. Hall: Sun on Rocket..
Michael C. Hall: The Bog Snorkler
Michael C. Hall: Chocolate Tide
Michael C. Hall: Veni, vidi...
Michael C. Hall: Coastal candy..
Michael C. Hall: Born for water..
Michael C. Hall: The Eye has it..
Michael C. Hall: Nothing to Snout About..
Michael C. Hall: C-c-come on in.. the w-w-w-water's l-l-l-lovely!
Michael C. Hall: I'm watching you...
Michael C. Hall: Good night everybody! Sleep well..
Michael C. Hall: Holy Rockfish, Bruno, this water's freezing!!
Michael C. Hall: Rocket on a bed of Seaweed..
Michael C. Hall: Baywatch..
Michael C. Hall: Standing on a rock..
Michael C. Hall: Coastal Patrol
Michael C. Hall: What's under here.... gurgle!
Michael C. Hall: Sooo.....Hummmmmm
Michael C. Hall: Après le travail ...
Michael C. Hall: I'm thinking, thinking.. [Explore]
Michael C. Hall: Breather..
Michael C. Hall: Walk on Water..
Michael C. Hall: Come back!
Michael C. Hall: Double chocolate trouble..
Michael C. Hall: Don't stop me now..
Michael C. Hall: stop, Stop, STOP!
Michael C. Hall: Chocolate in Monochrome 2
Michael C. Hall: Wishing..
Michael C. Hall: Seaweed, Chocolate and a little Snow..
Michael C. Hall: Run, save yourself..!